Tips for Returning Back to Work Following a Serious Injury

One of the hardest parts of recovering from a severe injury is returning back to work. Getting back in the saddle of your career following a broken leg or concussed head can be a significant hurdle to overcome. However, here are a few tips for returning back to work following a severe injury that can give you a head start. 

Talk to Your Primary Care Doctor

Before returning back to work following a severe injury, you should talk to your primary care doctor. In most cases, it will be required you get the okay from them, and that your injury is healed enough that you can get back to work. However, they might have to refer you to a specialist if you still have some recovery time ahead of you, most likely a physical therapist. 

Visit a Local Physical Therapist

To help you get back on your feet so that you can finally get back to work, you should visit a local physical therapist. Although you might have already been referred to one by your primary care doctor, a physical therapist can get your life back on track by increasing your mobility, which is usually one of the most critical requirements for returning back to work. 

Fill Out an Application for the SSA Ticket to Work Program

During the time that you’re out of work, you should fill out an application for the Ticket to Work program Social Security, which is designed to help people in your situation. If your injury has caused you a disability, you can enroll with the Social Security Administration today and begin collecting benefits, which you may not be receiving while out of work. All you have to do is fill out an application and activate your Ticket to Work once you’ve been accepted.  

Return to Work Following Your Recovery

Once your body has completely recovered from the severe accident, and you’ve gotten approval from your doctor, you can finally return back to work. Although the process might not have been easy, you have another difficult journey ahead getting back on track at work. 

Returning back to work following a severe injury is never easy. Hopefully, with help from the tips above, such as enrolling in the Ticket to Work program Social Security and visiting a local physical therapist, you can quickly get back on your feet. Get started today, starting with talking to your primary care doctor. 

