What Is An Ingrown Toenail?

Ingrown toenails are quite common and generally affect the big toe. There is some type of ingrown that may not be bothering at all, while others sometimes cause high pain to the person. Many times the day-to-day movement of the person also aggravates their growth. But when they are left untreated the pain can get worse and can even lead to toxicity of the blood or bone infection.

Ingrown toenails happen when the side or corner of a person's toenail starts growing into the soft tissue of the toe. This generally results in redness, pain, and sometimes even infection. Due to this, it becomes essential for the patient to get a proper ingrown toenail repair treatment. Many times people ignore their ingrown toenails when they don’t feel any pain. Many even start trying ingrown toenail remedies at home on their own. But sometimes makes the condition worse.


Medically ingrown toenails are known as Onychocrytosis. It is a condition that is highly common and can impact people of all ages. When the sharp edge of a toenail grows at its edge, into the skin folds it causes high pain and discomfort. An ingrown nail results due to a piece of nail that protrudes into the nail bed or from the side of the nail sulcus skin. Not treating the problem, allows the bacteria to enter into the area. This bacteria further becomes the cause of toe infection.

Symptoms of it:-

Ingrown toenails are a problem that generally affects the great toenail. These problems result due to the growth of the nail edge into the toe skin. This growth generally results in one side of the nail and is known as the abnormal extension of the nail that pushes into the toe skin and causes discomfort. The common symptoms of it include swelling, soreness, often pain, redness, nail folds, and sometimes yellow or clear drainage. Ingrown toenails can be treated with the help of medical treatment by an expert. The use of a toenail repair kit also helps a lot in treating the problem.


Ingrown toenails are a common nail problem that can be treated with some home tricks and treatment. But sometimes when the situation is severe, it becomes tough to treat it. At such time consulting a doctor always results best. The treatment for ingrown toenails generally involve:-

Partially Removing the Nail:-

Sometimes when the ingrown toenail is in severe condition and involves pain, redness, and pus, the doctor trims or partially removes the ingrown piece of the nail.

Removing the Nail and Tissue:-

The other common treatment of ingrown toenails includes the removal of nails and tissue. This treatment is generally provided to those patients who repeatedly face ingrown toenail problems on the same toe. In this treatment, the doctor removes a portion of the nail along with the nail bed. This further prevents the part of the nail from growing back.

Nail Lifting:-

Nail lifting is an ingrown toenail repair treatment that is generally done on a slightly ingrown nail that has redness and pain only. In this treatment, the ingrowing nail edge is lifted carefully and dental floss or cotton is put under it. This helps to separate the ingrown nail from the overlying skin.
