7 Amazing natural ways to fight hairfall - A Real-time Remedy

Hairfall :(

Long and beautiful hair is a dream for every woman. No wonder, people all over the world have searched and tried different types of home remedies for hair growth. Moreover, anyone with long and thick hair is seen as healthy as your hair defines your mind and body health.

Each of the hair strands has a specific life cycle with different stages in it. By the time you reach middle age, which is around 30 years, hair growth slows down. This happens due to hormonal imbalances, excessive stress and an imbalanced diet. One of the best ways to maintain the health of your hair is by using natural remedies for growth and nourishing home recipes to fight hairfall. Home remedies bring in added benefit of zero side effects and are cheap and affordable as well. The best part is you find all these ingredients in your kitchen!

All you need to do is just scroll down for some amazing recipes to regain the texture and growth of your hair and boost your self confidence.

Massage, massage and more massage

The first step in your fight against hairfall is a simple massage with appropriate hair oil.Proper hair and scalp massage plays an important role in defining the health of your hair; it increases blood flow to the hair follicles, conditions the scalp, and enhances the strength of your hair’s roots. It also promotes relaxation and reduces feelings of stress.

You can use hair oils like coconut or almond oil, olive oil, castor oil, amla oil, or others. Add a few drops of rosemary essential oil to the base oil for better and faster results. Other types of oil that you can use are emu oil, argan oil, and wheat germ oil.

  • Massage your hair and scalp with any of the hair oils mentioned by applying light pressure with your fingertips.
  • At least once a week go for this remedy.

Egg Mask

Heal your hair with high levels of proteins, zinc, sulphur, iron and iodine present in egg whites and restore the softness of your hair. Egg mask works great to get that thick hair growth and makes your hair look shinier and healthier instantly. All you need to do is crack open two eggs, and apply only the egg whites to your hair. Leave it on for 15 – 20 minutes to add that zing to your hair. Healing properties of the egg whites work well to replenish and restore the softness of the hair. If used regularly it will help in controlling hairfall and growing your hair fast.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera has 75 important nutrients to fight against anything related to the body and hair naturally. It balances your pH and cleanses pores. However, many are still waking up to know the benefits of aloe vera to prevent hair loss and promote hair growth.  Applying natural aloe vera gel works wonders to your hair and gives you renewed confidence to face the world.

Onion and Garlic

Onion and garlic are the most commonly found items in our kitchen but few of us are aware of its hair care benefits. As a rich source of sulphur, both help in the growth of hair. To extract the benefits of onion, chop it finely and squeeze out the juice. Massage the scalp with this juice and wash off with a mild shampoo. Alternatively, onion can also be used with honey as a hair mask.

To apply garlic, boil it with coconut oil and massage the scalp with this potion, two to three times a week, for best results.


Hibiscus flower nourishes your hair with its revitalizing properties. Additionally, it pampers your hair in more than one way by preventing untimely growth of grey hair, controlling hair loss and at the same time helps keep dandruff at bay. Thus, hibiscus is a one all solution to fight hairfall.

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is one of the powerful home remedy to fight hairfall. As a time tested solution for all hair and scalp problems, it is a rich source of vitamins, antioxidants and folic acid which makes it a power packed nutrient for hair growth. Lemon juice works by stimulating blood circulation in the scalp and prevents hair loss.

Apply mixture of 1 tablespoon of lemon juice with 2 tablespoons of coconut or olive oil evenly on scalp and hair; wash your hair with mild shampoo after 1 hour. Repeat this remedy once every week for shinier and healthier hair.

Most Importantly, Exercise!

 Exercising can relatively boost your metabolism and simultaneously reduce stress. Stress plays havoc to our body and is hugely responsible for hair loss. So do not forget to keep your life stress free as much as possible. Meditation helps as well. Remember! A few deep breaths can help overcome most of your stress.  Just try whenever you can….

Along with the simple home remedies here are a few Dont's to boost your hair’s health:

  • Do not rub wet hair vigorously as it leads to breakage.
  • Avoid tying your hair tightly all the time as it puts pressure on the roots and causes hairfall.
  • Any form of heat is bad for hair. Limit usage of hair dryers, hot water and hair styling tools.
  • Keep split ends at bay by trimming your hair at regular intervals.
  • Avoid using too many hair products as residue can build up. Rinse shampoo well to make sure hair follicles are not clogged.

Try some of these natural remedies to solve your problem of hair loss. Along with it, following a proper diet will keep your hair healthy and help control hairfall. So, go for plenty of green vegetables and fresh fruits to maintain a healthy mind and body and long lustrous hair as well.
