Birthstone According to Zodiac Signs

You're presumably acquainted with the possibility of birthstones. Most frequently, you'll run into them when you see adornments or different items with birthstones as indicated by your date of birth. In any case, did you have at least some idea that there is a gemstone for your zodiac sign, birth month, and day of the week?


Aries Birthstones - Beauty, Power and strength, Eternal love


Aries has two remarkable stones as his or her zodiac sign birthstone. These stones are the bloodstone and the diamond. Even though the diamond is also April’s birthstone, Aries is the only astrological sign that has it as well. The other gemstone, the bloodstone is unique as well, since there is no other sign or even a month connected to it.


Birthstone of Taurus - Eternal youth, Life Wisdom, Peace, and patience


Emerald is not only Taurus’ birthstone but also the one from May. The most remarkable thing about the emerald is its color. The emerald is the standard for green (gem)stones for centuries. Emeralds are bluish-green to pure green, with vivid color saturation and a tone that is not too dark. The most expensive emeralds are the ones that are highly transparent.


Birthstone for Gemini - Provides stability, Rebalances, mind soothes


Agate is a variety of chalcedony, formed from layers of quartz which usually show varicolored bands. These bands look like some kind of pattern, making every stone unique. That’s why the agate is also known as the ‘dreamy stone’. The agate comes in many different colors, such as brown, white, red, grey, pink, black, and yellow.


Birthstone for Leo - Self-reflection, Love attraction


The birthstones for Leo are the peridot and alternatively the onyx. These two gemstones couldn’t be more different. One refers to the sun while the other means claw and is often associated with dark colors. Nevertheless, both the peridot and the onyx are the zodiac birthstones for Leo.


Birthstone of Cancer - Passionate love, Protection against evil, Warmth, and heat


The ruby is the symbol of passion, prosperity, protection, and safety. It is the king among the gems. Traditionally, this stone is especially popular in Asian countries. Like sapphire, ruby is a variant of corundum. In the stone, there is a certain amount of chrome that makes it red.


Birthstones for Virgo - Wisdom, Strength, Loyal love

Definitely one of the most famous – if not the most famous – gemstones in the world: the sapphire. Sapphires come in a wide variety of colors. There are pink, orange, yellow, purple, green, and even colorless sapphires. The rarest color is a mix of orange and pink. Red sapphires do not exist: we call them rubies.


Birthstones of Aquarius - Sincerity, Spirituality, Protection against drunkenness


Amethyst is a variety of quartz. It is the most famous and most valuable variety of Quartz. Amethyst is practically always purple. Although the color intensity can vary. The amethyst thanks its color to iron impurities or natural radiation exposure.


Birthstone of Libra- Hope, Love, loyalty, Inspiration


Opals are ancient and were already used by the Assyrians, Babylonians, and Romans. The name stems from the old Indian word Úpala. This means gemstone. The opal is secretive and mysterious. Its colors keep on intriguing. The stone captures all colors of the rainbow.


Birthstones for Scorpio - Happiness, Love, Prosperity

Topaz is one of the “Nine Gemstones” from the Thai Order of Gemstones. The name Topaz originates probably from the Ancient Greeks, who named the stone after its finding place. This was the island Topazius or Topazos, currently known as Zebirget, Egypt. Topaz is a mineral and comes in many colors. Usually, it’s yellow-gold-colored.


Sagittarius Birthstones - Balance and inner peace, Creativity, Empathy

Turquoise is an opaque mineral. It comes in different shades of blue, bluish-green, green, and even yellowish-green. Even though turquoise’s only purpose is jewelry, it is unbelievably popular. It is so popular that in the English language, we use the word turquoise as the name of a greenish-blue color.


Birthstones for Capricorn - Friendship, Purity, Protection against the devil

The garnet, also known as a grenade, is a semi-precious gemstone. Garnets come in many different colors. The most common color is red. But we also find them in orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, brown black, and even colorless. However, blue is seen very rarely.


Birthstones for Pisces - Providing clarity, Improving intelligence, Creativity

Literally translated, aquamarine means “water of the sea” or “sea stone”.  It may come as no surprise that people thought the gemstone was connected to the sea somehow. Aquamarine comes in virtually all shades of blue, varying from sky blue to deep, ocean blue. Occasionally, this blue gemstone can sometimes appear to be a bit green.

Talk to our expert astrologers who can guide you about your birthstone as per your zodiac sign. feel free to contact us.
