Third molar problem

Even the professionals need to go to dentist every now and then, and so did I when I had an aching wisdom tooth, which I assumed needed to be removed. At the same time I had an opportunity to have a share of the customer experience, to feel the same treatments and procedures my own customers go through when they come to my appointment.

My colleague did an extensive dental examination and found out what I had already anticipated, namely a third molar which had already affected my other teeth and gums as well. An infection had already evolved and needed urgent treatment. With the x-ray equipment on our clinic we took dental images and examined them both, to see if the bone tissue in the jaw had been affected. Luckily the infection was mild in nature and probably would heal just by the removal of the spare tooth. So we set up a time for the surgery, which is still coming up by the time of writing.

Even if I have been a professional dentist for years already, I myself felt very unaccustomed to sit on the dentist chair and surrender myself for someone else fiddling my teeth. Of course I did understand all the time what my colleague was doing, and it made the whole event much more comfortable. But this thought led me to wonder how my customers felt, when they sat at my appointment and didn´t probably have a clue of the procedures that were taking place at their mouths.

For professional it was a healthy experience, but of course not an unique one, as I aim to treat my teeth at least once a year. But because of the wisdom tooth and the aching it had caused, I got a glimpse on what the patient with acute pain go through when they come to my appointment. I decided to be more communicative when I treated them and be sure to tell them what I am going to do and what I am currently doing. I hope to bring a better customer experience and alleviate the uncomfortable feeling many patients have while being treated by a dentist.


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